
Video Transcript

In this video, you will learn how to create and manage rubrics in your course. To get started, click the Rubrics link in Course Navigation. To create a new rubric, click the Add Rubric button. Give your rubric a title in the Title field then modify the default criterion by clicking the Edit icon. Add a description and, if necessary, a long description. To save your modifications, click the Update Criterion button. You can also edit the name and point value or range of a rating using the Edit icons. To add a rating to the criterion, click the Add icon. Modify the total point value of a criterion in the Points field. To change the criterion rating points to display as a range, click the Range checkbox. To delete a criterion, click the Delete icon. Add more criterion to the rubric by clicking the Add Criterion link. You can create an all new criterion or duplicate existing criterion. You can also import outcomes as rubric criteria. To find and import an outcome in the rubric, click the Find Outcome link. Select an outcome and click the Import button. When you are ready to save your rubric, click the Create Rubric button. 

To edit an existing course rubric, open the rubric by clicking the rubric’s title. Then click the Edit Rubric button. Rubrics that have been used in more than one assignment cannot be modified. However, they can be deleted. To delete a rubric, click the Delete Rubric button.

You can add rubrics to assignments, graded discussions, and quizzes. To attach a rubric, open the assignment, discussion, or quiz to which you want to attach a rubric. To attach a rubric to an assignment, click the Add Rubric button below the assignment details. To attach a rubric to a graded discussion, click the Options icon and select Add Rubric. For quizzes, click the Options icon, select Show Rubric, and click the Add Rubric button. While rubrics attached to quizzes cannot be used for grading, some instructors may prefer to offer additional feedback using a rubric. Quiz scores override the rubric calculation and feedback. You can then create a new rubric or add an existing rubric by clicking the Find a Rubric link, selecting the applicable rubric, and clicking the Use This Rubric button. Once a rubric is added to a graded item, you can edit the rubric. To edit an existing rubric, click the Edit icon. If the rubric is being used in more than one place, Canvas displays a message letting you know the rubric will be copied if edited. To create a copy of the rubric and make changes, click OK. While editing the rubric, you can Enable free-form comments, Remove rubric points, Exclude outcome results from the Learning Mastery Gradebook, Use rubric for assignment grading, and hide score total for assessment results. To save your changes, click the Create Rubric or Update Rubric button. 

To score a graded item with a rubric, open SpeedGrader and click the View Rubric button. Select the student’s rating for each criterion by clicking the appropriate ratings field. Add comments by clicking the Comment icon. If you have enabled free-form comments, text boxes display for you to leave comments instead of ratings. To save a free-form comment for reuse, click the save comment checkbox, then enter points manually. When you are finished grading the student’s submission, click the Save button. To allow students to view rubric comments, click the Submit button before moving to the next submission. 

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